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ABVP Diplomates have proven knowledge and expertise above and beyond what is required to practice veterinary medicine. Beyond that, they have earned the privilege to specialize in the treatment of one or more categories of animals.
  • Diplomates are in 49 of the 50 US states.
  • Diplomates are in 16 foreign countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • 28 Diplomates are certified in two Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in three Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in four Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
First Name Last Name Specialty Practice Practice Website
Barak Benaryeh Canine and Feline
Beatriz Vivanco Canine and Feline Barclay Hills Animal Clinic
Bess Pierce Canine and Feline University of Missouri
Beth Galles Canine and Feline
Bettina Bobsien Equine Yellowpoint Veterinary Service
Bianca Murphy Avian N/A
Billy Smith Food Animal University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center, Field Service
Bonnie Markoff Canine and Feline
Bradley Book Canine and Feline
Bradley (Joe) Peterson Canine and Feline VCA North Division Animal Medical Center
Brendan Noonan Avian
Brendan McMullen Dairy
Brenna Fitzgerald Avian Colorado Exotic Animal Hospital
Bret McNabb Food Animal
Brett Sargent Canine and Feline, Canine and Feline Front Range Veterinary Clinic
Brian Speer Avian
Brian Collins Canine and Feline Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Brian DiGangi Canine and Feline, Shelter Medicine
Brian DiGangi Canine and Feline, Shelter Medicine
Brian Burks Equine Fox Run Equine Center
Bridget Ferguson Avian Pine Tree Veterinary Hospital
Brita Kiffney Canine and Feline Northshore Veterinary Hospital
Bronya Redden Canine and Feline East Lincoln Animal Hospital
Brynn McCleery Avian Red Bank Veterinary Hospital
Caitlin Rothacker Equine Grand Prix Equine