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ABVP Diplomates have proven knowledge and expertise above and beyond what is required to practice veterinary medicine. Beyond that, they have earned the privilege to specialize in the treatment of one or more categories of animals.
  • Diplomates are in 49 of the 50 US states.
  • Diplomates are in 16 foreign countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • 28 Diplomates are certified in two Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in three Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in four Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
First Name Last Name Specialty Practice Practice Website
Angel Abuelo Sebio Dairy
ANGELA LENNOX Avian, Exotic Companion Mammal Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic
ANGELA LENNOX Avian, Exotic Companion Mammal Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic
Angela Rowson Dairy
Angela Reynolds Equine Rhythm Equine Veterinary Services
Angelique Cucaro Canine and Feline Linda Mar Veterinary Hospital
Ann Bourke Avian Northeast Bird Clinic HTTP://
Ann Bittaker Canine and Feline
ann hill Canine and Feline
Anna Osofsky Avian
Anne Staudenmaier Avian Angell West
Anne Sinclair Feline Cat Sense Feline Hospital and Boarding
Anneliese Strunk Avian Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine Https://
Anthony Pilny Avian Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital
Anthony Ashley Canine and Feline Chattanooga Zoo
Anthony Scheiber Swine Health Management Practice, Swine Health Management Practice Anthony R Scheiber DVM llc
april romagnano Avian April Romagnano
Ari Zabell Canine and Feline
Asaf Alkalay Canine and Feline
Ashleigh Olds-Sanchez Equine Galisteo Basin Vet Services
Ashley Harris Canine and Feline Destination Pet
Ashlie Saffire Feline Cat Specialty Center at Faithful Friends Veterinary Clinic
Ashlie Saffire Feline Cat Specialty Center at Faithful Friends Veterinary Clinic
Audra Alley Canine and Feline Shiloh Animal Hospital
Audrey Cook Feline Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital