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ABVP Diplomates have proven knowledge and expertise above and beyond what is required to practice veterinary medicine. Beyond that, they have earned the privilege to specialize in the treatment of one or more categories of animals.
  • Diplomates are in 49 of the 50 US states.
  • Diplomates are in 16 foreign countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • 28 Diplomates are certified in two Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in three Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in four Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
First Name Last Name Specialty Practice Practice Website
Curtis Willauer Canine and Feline
Cynthia Patterson Canine and Feline
Cindy Weis Equine Tennessee Equine West
Cynthia Cox Shelter Medicine MSPCA
Cynthia Karsten Shelter Medicine UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Dale Skrabalak Canine and Feline
Dana Kuehn Canine and Feline Friendship Hospital for Animals
Dane Curtsinger Canine and Feline Companion Animal Hospital
Danette Schweers Canine and Feline
Daniel Cardosa Canine and Feline
Dan Johnson Exotic Companion Mammal Avian and Exotic Animal Care
Danyse Lewis Canine and Feline
Darcy Rae Canine and Feline Southern Interior Veterinary Ultrasound Service
Daschelle Roice Canine and Feline
David Hannon Avian
David Clark Canine and Feline WesternU Pet Health Center
David Corfman Canine and Feline Animal Care Center Forest Park
David McGuffin Canine and Feline Riverside Drive Animal Care Center
David Wilkes Canine and Feline Hollow Creek Animal Hospital
David Eshar Exotic Companion Mammal
David Vella Exotic Companion Mammal Sydney Exotics & Rabbit Vets
Deanna Greer Canine and Feline Birch Island Veterinary Center
Dennilyn Parker Avian
Diana Eubanks Canine and Feline
Diane Paster Canine and Feline