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ABVP Diplomates have proven knowledge and expertise above and beyond what is required to practice veterinary medicine. Beyond that, they have earned the privilege to specialize in the treatment of one or more categories of animals.
  • Diplomates are in 49 of the 50 US states.
  • Diplomates are in 16 foreign countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • 28 Diplomates are certified in two Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in three Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in four Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
First Name Last Name Specialty Practice Practice Website
Brittany Cacciottoli Feline
Ashley Love Feline
Amanda Perkins Feline
Ashley Emanuele Fish
Stephen Frattini Fish Center For Aquatic Animal Research and Management
Ayanna Carla Phillips Savage Fish
Esteban Soto Martinez Fish
Brittany Stevens Fish
Gillian Taylor Fish
Mary Jane Drake Food Animal, Food Animal
Margot Hayes Food Animal, Food Animal
Joshua Llinas Reptile and Amphibian
Emily Velez Reptile and Amphibian
Laura Bunke Shelter Medicine
Lisa Rodriguez Shelter Medicine
Biana Tamimi Shelter Medicine, Shelter Medicine