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ABVP Diplomates have proven knowledge and expertise above and beyond what is required to practice veterinary medicine. Beyond that, they have earned the privilege to specialize in the treatment of one or more categories of animals.
  • Diplomates are in 49 of the 50 US states.
  • Diplomates are in 16 foreign countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • 28 Diplomates are certified in two Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in three Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
  • 1 Diplomate is certified in four Recognized Veterinary Specialties (practice categories).
First Name Last Name Specialty Practice Practice Website
Lorraine Corriveau Canine and Feline Purdue University Veterinary Hospital - Small Animal Primary Care
Luke Bass Equine Colorado State University
Lyndsey Larson Canine and Feline VCA Firehouse
Lynn Harbinson Canine and Feline VCA Animal Medical Center
Lynn McCarron Canine and Feline
Lynne Caikoski Canine and Feline VCA Valley Oak Veterinary Center
M. Susan Moreland Canine and Feline Animal Haven Clinic
Manuel Himenes Equine Oahu Equine Veterinary Clinic
Marc Seitz Canine and Feline MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Marcos Lores Equine
Marcy Hammerle Canine and Feline
Margaret McIsaac Feline Granby Animal Clinic
Marianne Mackay Canine and Feline PioneerVeterinary Clinic
Marie-Theres Hoyer-Kammerhofer Feline KATZENPRAXIS Https://
Martha Scharf Equine University of Missouri Equine
Mary Dimperio Canine and Feline Park Ridge Animal Hospital, LLC
Mary McCaine Feline Lake Olympia Animal Hospital
Matt Booth Canine and Feline
Matthew Dikeman Canine and Feline
mehnaz aziz Shelter Medicine UC Davis
Melissa Mustillo Feline A Cat Clinic
Michael Dutton Avian, Canine and Feline, Exotic Companion Mammal, Reptile and Amphibian Hopkinton Animal Hospital
Michael Dutton Avian, Canine and Feline, Exotic Companion Mammal, Reptile and Amphibian Hopkinton Animal Hospital
Michael Dutton Avian, Canine and Feline, Exotic Companion Mammal, Reptile and Amphibian Hopkinton Animal Hospital
Michael Dutton Avian, Canine and Feline, Exotic Companion Mammal, Reptile and Amphibian Hopkinton Animal Hospital